Outdoor Education for Museums and Cultural Organizations – OEMCO Handbook

The Erasmus+ programme Outdoor Education for Museums and Cultural Organizations has compiled a comprehensive Handbook, available in four languages – English, Greek, Italian, and Spanish – to provide a holistic understanding of this enriching approach to learning. Delve into the theoretical foundations of outdoor education in Greece, Italy, and Spain, and uncover practical educational activities from each partner organization that exemplify the principles of experiential learning in the outdoors. This valuable resource serves as an essential guide for educators, trainers, and anyone aspiring to incorporate outdoor education into their curriculum or practice.

See the Handbook on the project’s website https://oemco.weebly.com/handbook.html

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Outdoor Education for Museums and Cultural Organizations – OEMCO

Outdoor Education for Museums and Cultural Organizations (OEMCO) is a project that is funded by the European Union Erasmus+ programme (Grant Agreement Number 2021-2-EL01-KA210-ADU-000050334). The general objective of the project is to provide to the participants and stakeholders with basic knowledge, skills and tools for planning, organizing and implementing outdoor education activities / programs by relevant bodies (educational and cultural institutions, museums, etc.), in order to improve the availability of learning opportunities for students, educators and adults.

The project’s specific objectives are:
• To strengthen the participants and stakeholders theoretical background on the role, objectives and benefits of outdoor education.
• To provide participants and stakeholders with first-hand knowledge, ideas, best practices and practical experience as well as a range of group exercises and experiential activities related to outdoor education on school and museum sites, in local parks, in monuments, in urban settings etc.
• To cultivate participants and stakeholders social awareness in order to work cooperatively in a wide range of situations outside the walls of the traditional museum and educational environment – to develop methodologies based on exploratory learning, experiential approach, learning by doing principles, play-centered learning.
• To bring the participants and stakeholders in contact with various practices and activities of outdoor education implemented by cultural institutions in different environments and for different purposes and cognitive objects.
• The participants and stakeholders to acquire skills and tools suitable for the design and implementation of museum-educational programs based on the principles of outdoor education.
• The participants and stakeholders to share knowledge / experiences / best practices about outdoor education with their European colleagues and build a network with those who work in the outdoor education field around Europe.

The project is implemented by:
• Ethniko Kentro Erevnas kai Diasosis Sholikou Ylikou (EKEDISY), Greece
• Espacio Rojo, Spain
• Centro Machiavelli S.r.l., Italy

More info on the project’s website https://oemco.weebly.com/


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Heroes Project

HEROES focuses the pedagogical issues linked to the relevance of Cultural Heritage Education, combining some of the main concepts included in the Faro Convention (27.X.2005) with the priorities established by Erasmus+ about the social and educational value of EU cultural heritage as contribution to social cohesion, economic growth and job creation.

It aims to improve and strengthen the synergies between Educational System and Cultural Heritage Education.

General project objectives and goals

To create an innovative participatory approach to cultural heritage, shared at eu level, that encourages intercultural dialogue among teachers and pupils and fosters students’ critical thinking, self-empowerment and civil awareness.

To develop the heroes model for cultural heritage education, adding to the traditional school teaching a fresher and more interactive approach based on peer relationships, improving the interactions among formal and non-formal education in a life wide learning perspective.

Specific project objectives

Promote interactions among cultural educators of museums and school staff, fostering their mutual exchange and the permeability between different education and training pathways;

Encourage teaching staff to positively combine formal and non-formal learning for cultural heritage education, fostering learners’ motivation and gaining more effective outcomes;

Make adolescents protagonist of their knowledge path and -more widely- of their own growth, enabling their learning success;

Limit the possible arising ESL dynamics especially among those students with complex background, engaging them with Cultural Heritage Education as value and personal way of emancipation.

Add to the concepts of youth participation and wide access to the common European cultural heritage also the concept of ACCESSIBILITY of this heritage.

All Model’s educative practices will include activities which pay attention also to special needs, underlining the innate value of inclusivity of these specific contents for society.

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Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση. Μόνον κατόποιν έγκρισης του ΕΚΕΔΙΣΥ( Εθνικό Κέντρο Έρευνας και Διάσωσης Σχολικού Υλικού)