Κυριακές με το Μουσείο-Εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα για παιδιά 6-11 ετών-Mάρτιος 2025 - Πολύχρωμες Διαδρομές - Βιωματικό εργαστήρι για παιδιά 4-6 ετών - Mάρτιος 2025 - Μια διαφορετική βόλτα στο Νέο Μουσείο της Ακρόπολης Μάρτιος 2025 - Διαδικτυακό Εκπαιδευτικό Σεμινάριο-Προσεγγίζοντας μέσα από τη λογοτεχνία τον «χώρο», από τα Δίκτυα  «Με οδηγό τη λογοτεχνία και την τέχνη» και «Ιστορίες μέσα από τα μνημεία: μαθαίνουμε την πολιτιστική μας κληρονομιά» - Πρακτικά 5ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου «Το εκπαιδευτικό παιχνίδι και η τέχνη στην εκπαίδευση και στον πολιτισμό» - Δίκτυο Φιλαναγνωσίας και Τέχνης: «Με οδηγό τη λογοτεχνία και την τέχνη» - ΔΙΑΔΙΚΤΥΑΚΟ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΟ ΣΕΜΙΝΑΡΙΟ Ψηφιακά Μαθησιακά Αντικείμενα και Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη: Από τη δημιουργία τους μέχρι την αξιοποίηση τους στη σχολική τάξη - Μια διαφορετική βόλτα στο Νέο Μουσείο της Ακρόπολης Φεβρουάριος 2025 - Εργαστήρια Φεβρουαρίου 2025 από το Μουσείο Σχολικής Ζωής και Εκπαίδευσης - Παραμυθοσάββατα - Βιωματικό εργαστήρι για παιδιά 2-4 ετών - Φεβρουαρίου 2025

Digital Art Education and Cultural Exchanges among European Countries – digiTEACH

Digital Art Education and Cultural Exchanges among European Countries (digiTEACH) is a project that is funded by the European Union Erasmus+ programme (Grant Agreement Number 2023-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000154014). The general objective of the project is to enhance art education in European schools through innovative and engaging digital tools, fostering intercultural understanding and knowledge sharing. Also, the project’s aim is the digitalisation of artistic work (especially paintings and sculptures but also tapestry and other work of art) located in different European countries.

The project’s specific objectives are:

  • To develop a new ICT teaching methodology for art teachers, incorporating digital tools to enhance instruction and engagement.
  • To create a digital «art cloud» accessible to European art teachers and students, providing high-definition access to a vast collection of art pieces.
  • To establish an e-learning platform where teachers and students can collaboratively design and implement digital educational paths on art, utilizing the art cloud resources.
  • To launch a project website to disseminate the project’s findings, achievements, and resources, including a blog section where teachers and students can share their art experiences and creations.
  • To foster a stronger sense of European identity and cultural understanding among students and teachers through digital exchanges and collaborative art projects.
  • To facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration among European schools in the realm of art education, promoting innovation and cross-cultural exchange.
  • To enhance students’ ICT skills related to art and culture, empowering them to explore and interpret art in a digital context.

The project is implemented by:

  • Reseau National D’Enseignement Superieur Professionnel Prive, France
  • Centrica srl, Italy
  • Asociación para el Desarrollo socioemocional de la persona, la sociedad y para la cooperación internacional Uno, Spain
  • Ethniko Kentro Erevnas kai Diasosis Sholikou Ylikou (EKEDISY), Greece
  • Centro Machiavelli, Italy
  • Initiatives pur une Formation efficace asbl, Belgium
  • Sahinbey Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Orta Okulu, Turkey

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Outdoor Education for Museums and Cultural Organizations – OEMCO Handbook

The Erasmus+ programme Outdoor Education for Museums and Cultural Organizations has compiled a comprehensive Handbook, available in four languages – English, Greek, Italian, and Spanish – to provide a holistic understanding of this enriching approach to learning. Delve into the theoretical foundations of outdoor education in Greece, Italy, and Spain, and uncover practical educational activities from each partner organization that exemplify the principles of experiential learning in the outdoors. This valuable resource serves as an essential guide for educators, trainers, and anyone aspiring to incorporate outdoor education into their curriculum or practice.

See the Handbook on the project’s website https://oemco.weebly.com/handbook.html

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Welcoming migrants to the School Museum -WINSOME

Welcoming migrants to the School Museum (WINSOME) is a project that is funded by the European Union Erasmus+ programme (Grant Agreement Number 2022-2-NL01-KA210-ADU-000093428). The general objective of the project is to involve migrants more actively in the society in which they have ended up by offering an educational program in school museums for non-formal groups of migrants that is based on fun and learning about cultural differences and similarities.

The project’s specific objectives are:

  • To generate conversations about the similarities and differences between education systems.
  • To provide migrants with opportunities to learn about the specific situation and language of their host country.
  • To introduce adult migrants to education as it is practiced in the country where they now reside.
  • To help migrants feel more connected to their new society.
  • To increase the involvement and participation of migrants in their host societies.
  • To promote a more inclusive and engaging approach to migrant integration.
  • To develop and offer an educational program for adult migrants that will help them find a better place in their host society.
  • To exchange experiences with another museum that is facing the same challenges as the participating museums.
  • To share the experiences of the project with a larger group of museums.
  • To develop new knowledge and skills in the field of educational programming for migrants.
  • To get to know the group of migrants better and be able to serve them in future projects.
  • To develop new practices and techniques so that museum staff is able to understand and respond to social, linguistic, and cultural diversity.
  • To contribute to better well-being for adult migrants through education and cultural exposure.

The project is implemented by:

  • Quiosq Heritage Projects, The Netherlands
  • Ethniko Kentro Erevnas kai Diasosis Sholikou Ylikou (EKEDISY), Greece
  • Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum, The Netherlands

More info on the project’s website: https://winsome-project.eu/


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Ceramics and Crafts: Social Inclusion through Knowledge and Skills – CECRA

Ceramics and Crafts: Social Inclusion through Knowledge and Skills (CECRA) is a project that is funded by the European Union Erasmus+ programme (Grant Agreement Number 022-1-ES01-KA210-ADU-000083062). The general objective of the project is to help adult people with fewer opportunities find refuge and resilience in arts and ceramics and to provide the necessary knowledge on how to establish a successful arts & ceramics program that benefits these people and the whole community.

The project’s specific objectives are:

  • To develop the integration of people with and without intellectual disabilities.
  • To train and expand professional skills for social entrepreneurship.
  • To acquire skills and abilities for the different ceramic creation tools.
  • To facilitate the exchange of experiences in creative spaces and professional artists.
  • To multiply their talents and cognitive, psychomotor, social and emotional abilities.
  • To promote participation and accessibility of all groups linked to diversity through cultural activities.
  • To strengthen links between museums, professionals, cultural agents and the most vulnerable groups of people.
  • To bridge the gap between the most vulnerable target group- adult and the art and culture sector.
  • To learn more about how to use art and ceramics in adult work to maximize the benefits for marginalized adults and give them a voice.
  • To develop practical skills in setting up workspaces, providing materials, and showcasing the results of art and ceramics projects with adult participants.
  • To make a positive impact on the community by fostering artistic expression and appreciation among adult participants and exhibiting their work with the support of cultural institutions.

The project is implemented by:

  • Espacio Rojo, Spain
  • Ethniko Kentro Erevnas kai Diasosis Sholikou Ylikou (EKEDISY), Greece
  • Insieme per Camminare, Italy

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Outdoor Education for Museums and Cultural Organizations – OEMCO

Outdoor Education for Museums and Cultural Organizations (OEMCO) is a project that is funded by the European Union Erasmus+ programme (Grant Agreement Number 2021-2-EL01-KA210-ADU-000050334). The general objective of the project is to provide to the participants and stakeholders with basic knowledge, skills and tools for planning, organizing and implementing outdoor education activities / programs by relevant bodies (educational and cultural institutions, museums, etc.), in order to improve the availability of learning opportunities for students, educators and adults.

The project’s specific objectives are:
• To strengthen the participants and stakeholders theoretical background on the role, objectives and benefits of outdoor education.
• To provide participants and stakeholders with first-hand knowledge, ideas, best practices and practical experience as well as a range of group exercises and experiential activities related to outdoor education on school and museum sites, in local parks, in monuments, in urban settings etc.
• To cultivate participants and stakeholders social awareness in order to work cooperatively in a wide range of situations outside the walls of the traditional museum and educational environment – to develop methodologies based on exploratory learning, experiential approach, learning by doing principles, play-centered learning.
• To bring the participants and stakeholders in contact with various practices and activities of outdoor education implemented by cultural institutions in different environments and for different purposes and cognitive objects.
• The participants and stakeholders to acquire skills and tools suitable for the design and implementation of museum-educational programs based on the principles of outdoor education.
• The participants and stakeholders to share knowledge / experiences / best practices about outdoor education with their European colleagues and build a network with those who work in the outdoor education field around Europe.

The project is implemented by:
• Ethniko Kentro Erevnas kai Diasosis Sholikou Ylikou (EKEDISY), Greece
• Espacio Rojo, Spain
• Centro Machiavelli S.r.l., Italy

More info on the project’s website https://oemco.weebly.com/


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Childhood obesity and overweight are inevitable contemporary problems. The evolution of children’s diets over the last decades, coupled with an ever-lower energy expenditure, especially during the COVID-19 period, forces us to question the development and/or reinforcement of food education for children. In southern European countries this issue has a significant impact on the health and well-being of children. In this context, the EFFECT project aims to develop food education for primary school children in France, Greece and the USA.

The uniqueness of the project lies in the fact that the EFFECT project will develop training content for the children’s trainers, considering that only the training of the children’s ecosystem will allow the establishment of sustainable habits.


Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires (ANIA), France

FederaciónEspañola de Industrias de Alimentación y Bebidas (FIAB), Spain

School Life and Education Museum of EKEDISY, Greece

Syndemos Ellinikon Viomichanion Trofimon (ΣΕΒΤ), Greece

Harokopio University, Greece

Ass Fleurbaix Lavantie Ville Sante, France

Nur Al Ali Al Malla, Spain

Institut National Des Sciences Et Industries Du Vivant Et De L’Environnement – AGROPARISTECH, France

Website: www.effect-erasmus.eu

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Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση. Μόνον κατόποιν έγκρισης του ΕΚΕΔΙΣΥ( Εθνικό Κέντρο Έρευνας και Διάσωσης Σχολικού Υλικού)